Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I think it's kind of embarrassing knowing that all my stupid ranting is on the internet.

Okay, I really don't have anything to say. I am only doing this so that my blog won't die. Please don't die blog, don't die on me, I love you! Stay with me blog come on, stay awake. No, don't go to sleep, that could be bad. You might never wake up.

This is what I mean by ranting.

Well, it looks as if the librarians are turning all the computers off. Time to go.


Anonymous said...

Hey, someone from Israel read your blog!

Bethany said...

Sweet! Keep blogging my young friend! Either that or join facebook. (j/k)

Rachel said...

Why facebook? Isn't that also blogging?

Bethany said...

Kinda, but then he could be my friend!

Rachel said...

Isn't he your blogging friend now? I guess I don't know much about facebook, I'm just a happy blogger.

Joe Fool said...

Stop talking to each other on my blog!

Bethany said...

Why? Blog talking attracts much interest, and therefore good attention for your blog. So, go post another post my friend!

Anonymous said...

Stop posting stuff, you're embaressing me.