Sunday, December 31, 2006

Poaching Redifined

On thursday, Dec. 28, Jim showed me a short movie clip from Nat. Geographic about poachers and poacher patrol and found out some startling information about the Poacher Patrol.

The clip shows the group of poacher patrollers (goodguys, right?) in South America, as they look for signs of poachers that cut down the trees. The Patrol does not want the trees to be cut down because the rain will begin to wash away the soil in the places where the trees have been taken. Eventually they hear the sound of a distant chainsaw and begin to creep up on the wicked people who cut down poor defenseless trees. Moving when the chainsaw is running (or so they think) in order to cover the sound of thier approach, the patrol finally falls upon a group of local farmers and promptly slaps hand cuffs on every one of them. One officer then hands one of them a GPS Navigator and explains to him that it is a lie detector (a lie, ironically). The farming tree poacher then has to answer the officers questions regarding the location of his rebel lumber yard and such. The heroic poacher patrollers also find out that the farmers are using the wood to build some much needed..., I think it had something to do with the storage of crops or something that the farmers really needed.
Once at the secret lumber yard, wich is filled with beautiful South American lumber, the heroic patrollers proceed to torch every square inch of lumber that they can find in the name of preserving the environment.

Does this make any sense at all?? That leaves another spot of barren land to get washed away by the rain, it also makes it so that the farmers (not poachers, that's just dumb) have to cut down more trees somewhere else and, these biologists (that's what some of these patrollers were) aren't doing much to curb "global warming" now, are they? I think they were just being jerks.

It makes me think differently about poachers. Poor, helpless poachers.


Bethany said...

That's pretty stoopid of those guys... They need to get real lives. Like me, I spend all day on the computer blogging.

Pecrujl, that's just pecrujl.

Rachel said...

Very strange indeed. Those "patrollers" must have been given only half the amount of brains as most people.

Martha said...

Very ironic, but that is what the world is like. Can you ever really tell who the "bad" guys are?

James Austin said...

It was Cambodia, which is in Southeast Asia. I loved the comment about the hand grenade. Here's the podcast description: "Wild Chronicles heads to the frontlines of a war in Cambodia where conflict over animal poaching and illegal logging pits heavily armed rangers against heavily armed poachers." Heavily armed poachers? More like desperate defenseless farmers.

Joe Fool said...

Cambodia? I should have known that. Isn't that where that guy from the Jungle Book lived?

Dad says that the farmers were stealing. Which, I have to say is true, and that they could have been selling the wood that they cut down. Also possible. who are the goodguys?

Martha said...

Probably the poor, helpless trees.