Monday, February 02, 2009

Nobody Will Read This

Hi all of you who never read my blog anyway! How are you?

On Tuesday or Thursday... I think it was Thursday, I ate some peanut butter nutty buddy snacks from the vending machine at school. Over the weekend I have felt very weird and sick, almost like the flu but a little bit different. I looked up the symptoms of salmonella and I guess it isn't always severe enough to be lethal, and the symptoms I have match rather well. I was unable to find the exact snack on the FDA website, but I don't know how you are supposed to find anything on there. I also tried looking them up on google, but all I got were Betty Crocker recipes.

Anyway, on another note, I hate my job. I like writing, and I got some good comments on my story blog. I have been writing a never-ending story with some dudes on facebook as well and it is going pretty good so far. I'm genuinely interested in this story now.


A said...

I love nutter butter. I was thinking getting them to snack on for the super bowl but my diet popped up in my mind instead. Crazy peanut butter!

Joe Fool said...

Haha, I really did enjoy them, I just got scared later that I may have been poisoned. Unwarranted fear really though. I didn't watch the Super Bowl... but I was hoping that the Cardinals would clinch a win... :(

Thanks for commenting by the way :D

Bethany said...

I didn't read this.

Martha said...

I didn't read this either and I'm glad you are feeling better now even if Bethany and Josh got sick too and I thought you looked rather ill on Sunday after you got up from sleeping on the couch and I felt bad for you but I wasn't feeling too great either so I didn't stay up to watch the superbowl but took some Benadryl and went to bed with a stiff neck but I woke up feeling fine in the morning which was good because I really needed to clean my house which was rather dirty from me being away on Saturday and sick on Sunday... *gasp*... I'm all out of breath!