Monday, December 15, 2008

An Attempt to Keep the Story Alive

I laid my head back down on the hospital be I was in and tried to concentrate. "What was it? What just happened to me?"

It was a scary thing not being able to remember something you had just experienced. It was kind of like being blind. Then I caught a glimpse of it. Was that really it? Was... no, that couldn't be. That's too weird, nobody would believe that... I wasn't even sure if I believed it. "Let's see," I thought to myself, "I was at the base... I was eating dinner with my comrades... No! I don't believe it!"

I groaned loudly, partly out of frustration and partly out of fear. The man from before, who I had assumed was a doctor of some sort, came rushing back into the room. He stood by my right arm and bent over and asked, "Are you remembering anything?"

I looked up at him and asked, "Where is everyone else?"

The man's answer put me back into a shock: "They're... they're all gone. Your the only one left alive, that's why we need to know what happened."

My head began reeling from the answer he gave me. "They... you... you wo-" I couldn't finish cause I couldn't get my thoughts organized. Finally I managed to get a sentence out, "I don't believe it!" I told him.

"What don't you believe? That your the only one alive? Or is there something else you don't believe?"

I Shut my eyes hard and braced myself, "Both." I responded, "I don't believe both... either." I corrected myself. "I-I-I need to..."

"I understand." said the doctor.

BLAH BLAH BLAH! That's all it is!


Martha said...

You can't stop now, Joe!

Bethany said...

GRRR! What was it????

Priscilla said...

You are a talented writer. I want to hear the rest!